Polo Academy
The Academy is broken up into two groups, the Adult Academy and the Junior Academy:
The Adult Academy is for riders aged 16 and up and the Junior Academy is for riders 15 and below. For more experienced riders in the Junior Academy, the Polo Manager may bring ‘up’ the rider to the Adult Academy. Both Academy groups have an annual fee which includes Club Membership along with the ability to partake in the Academy Sessions.
These sessions run for ~1 hour where two teams will participate in an instructional match alongside the coaches during the session, these sessions are charged at the listed rates.
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Adult Academy Sessions occur on Wednesday evening and Saturday & Sunday mornings.
Junior Academy Sessions occur on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Academy Seasons start April 20th and end 27th September 2025.
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Both Academy Memberships include a social membership with the Junior Membership including and additional Social Membership for the guardian.
Academy Fees
Junior U15
Junior U15
Annual Fee
Own Horse
Join Now
Please contact lessons@hampoloclub.com with any additional questions